
What is Internship?

Internship (May 12th - June 6th) is a four week period where 11th grade High Tech High students curate their own curriculum with a variety of learning experiences to prepare themselves for their role in the world after graduating high school. 

What can I do during Internship?

One month of full-time participation with a company, organization, or worksite.

What is the goal of internship?

Examples of Awesome Past Internships:

Internship Requirements:

● Workplace mentor with a college degree (cannot be a family member) 

● Weekly Google Classroom updates with photos, work samples, and a written reflection of your learning experience

 ● A project that contributes to your internship site 

● Two site visits from the supervising teacher 

● Internship Presentation of Learning (IPOL) on site if possible 

Signatures Required on pages 8 - 13 by parent/guardian, mentor, and student.

Student Resources


Mentor Information


Student Driver Form

Mentor Driver Form